Sunday, December 21, 2014

Wine Tasting in Casablanca

Yesterday we went on a wine tour near Casablanca, Chile. Our first stop was Vinedos Emeliana, an organic vineyard and winery. They try to use natural methods as much as possible, even to the point of letting chickens wander around the vineyards to eat insects that would otherwise eat the grapes. I took quite a few pictures, a few of which are below.

Next, we went to a restaurant called Casa Botha. The food was delightful and the wine was just as good! The owner was kind enough to explain the food and wine as it was served. He even gave us a quick tour of the kitchen. The interior of the restaurant was fascinating being constructed and decorated with materials recovered from old buildings.

Our final stop was the Bodegas RE winery. In addition to wine, they make and sell olive oil and balsamic vinegar as well as various fruit liqueurs (that are very, very strong). Jen and I bought some oil and vinegar, partly because of the nifty bottles. One of the most interesting characteristics of this winery is that they age the wine in what amount to very large jars in addition to oak barrels. We got to wander around their cellar as well, making for some interesting photos you will find below.

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